Tornado Cash开发者Alexey Pertsev在荷兰监狱服刑 9 个月后获释,但仍将面临 64 个月的刑期。 在审判之前,Pertsev 仍将被软禁并接受电子监控,共同开发者罗曼-斯托姆(Roman Storm)和罗曼-塞梅诺夫(Roman Semenov)也面临着法律诉讼,斯托姆在 4 月份的审判中可能被判处 45 年徒刑,佩尔采夫向捐赠者表示感谢,他说:"自由是无价的......我的斗争还没有结束。
21:00-7:00 Keywords: DeepSeek, Interactive Brokers, Alexey Pertsev, Ondo Finance 1. DeepSeek: has never issued any virtual currency. 2. Berachain Foundation: BERA NFT airdrop is open for collection; 3. Interactive Brokers: Consider listing Solana trading after the supervision is clear; Bloomberg analyst: SEC accepts 19b-4 application for grey release Solana ETF; 5. Ondo Finance launched the Layer1 blockchain Ondo Chain for institutional finance; 6. Federal Reserve Governor Waller: The Federal Re...
21:00-7:00关键词:DeepSeek、盈透证券、Alexey Pertsev、Ondo Finance 1.DeepSeek:从未发行任何虚拟货币; 2.Berachain基金会:BERA NFT空投已开放领取; 3.盈透证券:待监管明确后考虑上线 Solana 交易; 4.彭博分析师:美SEC受理灰度Solana ETF的19b-4申请; 5.Ondo Finance推出面向机构金融的Layer1区块链Ondo Chain; 6.美联储理事沃勒:美联储不会运营“比特币战略储备”这样的项目; 7.T...
Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev tweeted that a Dutch court has agreed to suspend his pretrial detention under electronically monitored conditions and will be granted temporary release at 10am on February 7. Pertsev said this will give him the opportunity to continue his appeal and fight for justice and thanked all supporters for their help. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin retweeted the news and expressed his support.
Vitalik donated 50 ETH to Support Alexey Pertsev via Juice Box, according to on-chain information. In May this year, TornadoCash co-creator Alexey Pertsev was sentenced to 64 months in prison by a Dutch court for money laundering. Alexey Pertsev has appealed.
The legal battle over Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev has reached a critical juncture as he seeks to raise more funds to fight his lawsuit. Last month a Dutch court refused to release Alexey Pertsev, forcing him to prepare a further appeal. Another Tornado Cash developer, Roman Storm, is set to go on trial in the US in September on charges of money laundering, conspiring to operate an unlicensed money transfer business, and conspiring to violate US sanctions laws.
On May 24th, according to the results of the latest proposal vote, Alchemix DAO will donate 15 ETH to the legal defense fund of Roman Storm and Alexey Pertsev (Free Alexey & Roman). Two developers who contributed to TornadoCash, Alexey Pertsev and RomanStorm, were arrested in different jurisdictions after the OFAC imposed sanctions in 2022. Alexey's first trial took place on March 26 this year (with sentencing and further potential legal action scheduled for mid-May), while Roman's trial is sche...
5月24日消息,据最新提案投票结果,Alchemix DAO将向Roman Storm和Alexey Pertsev的法律辩护基金(Free Alexey&Roman)捐赠15ETH。为TornadoCash做出贡献的两位开发人员AlexeyPertsev和RomanStorm在2022年OFAC实施制裁后在不同司法管辖区被捕。 Alexey的第一次审判于今年3月26日举行(判决和进一步的潜在法律行动定于5月中旬进行),Roman的审判定于9月下旬进行。
The crypto community has expressed outrage over the verdict of Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev, who was sentenced to 64 months in prison for money laundering. Many members of the crypto community said the decision was strange. Pablo Sabbatella, head of security research at crypto protection firm Blockfence, said it was a sad day for privacy, encryption and open source. Other users echoed the sentiment.
加密社区对Tornado Cash开发商的判决表示愤怒,Tornado Cash开发商Alexey Pertsev因洗钱罪被判处64个月监禁。加密社区的许多成员表示这个决定很奇怪。加密保护公司Blockfence的安全研究主管Pablo Sabbatella表示,对于隐私、加密和开源来说,这是悲伤的一天。其他用户也赞同这一观点。
Alexey Pertsev, the developer of Tornado Cash, appealed to the Schertogenbosch Court of Appeal after he was convicted of money laundering on Tuesday, a spokeswoman for the court said. The first hearing could take several months. The court could not say whether the appeal had been granted. Pertsev, who was sentenced to 64 months in prison and given the opportunity to request to remain at home pending an appeal trial if he wished, was escorted to prison immediately after Tuesday's verdict.
斯海尔托亨博斯上诉法院发言人表示,Tornado Cash 开发商Alexey Pertsev周二被判犯有洗钱罪后,向该法院提起上诉。第一次听证会可能需要几个月的时间才能举行。法院无法透露上诉是否已获批准。 Pertsev被判处64个月监禁,如果他愿意,他有机会要求在家等待上诉审判。周二判决后,他立即被护送入狱。